Can Skin Be Too Wrinkly For Laser Skin Tightening Treatment?

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Loose skin and wrinkles are unavoidable consequences of the aging process, though they develop at different times and progress at varying rates from person to person. Regardless of when you begin to develop lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, it can be frustrating and discouraging. Fortunately, there are a number of exciting skin rejuvenation treatments available today to keep patients looking and feeling their best at virtually any age. At Mountain Med Spa in Denver, CO, board-certified physician and aesthetic expert Dr. Rock Navarkal is proud to offer a comprehensive range of the most exciting and effective cosmetic treatments currently available, including Harmony XL Pro laser skin tightening. Keep reading to learn more about who qualifies for laser skin tightening and if there is a limit on the severity of symptoms that can be treated.

What causes wrinkled skin?

Lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity are classic signs of aging that result from the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers, as well as a decrease in the body’s production rate of new collagen. Wrinkled skin can occur virtually anywhere on the body but is often most dramatic on the face, neck, and hands, partly due to increased sun exposure. Additionally, patients can develop loose or wrinkled skin as a result of weight fluctuation.

How can I tighten loose skin?

Once your wrinkles and skin laxity escapes the control of at-home products, it may be time to consider professional skin rejuvenation treatment. Laser skin tightening continues to be among the most popular and effective solutions for smoothing out lines and wrinkles and tightening loose or crepey skin.

How does laser skin tightening work?

Laser skin tightening with the Harmony XL Pro laser firms and tightens loose, wrinkled skin by triggering the body’s natural production of collagen via laser energy. As new collagen fibers are generated beneath the surface, patients can notice a striking improvement in the texture and tautness of their skin.

Where can laser skin tightening be used?

Most often, patients choose laser skin tightening to improve lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin on the face, though treatment can be performed in virtually any area of skin laxity. Common laser skin tightening treatment areas include:

  • Face
  • Eyelids/around the eyes
  • Neck
  • Décolletage
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Knees
  • Stomach
  • Thighs

Is my skin too loose for laser skin tightening?

Even patients with advanced signs of facial aging, including deep lines and sagging jowls, can likely benefit from laser skin tightening. In certain cases, however, laser skin tightening may not be the most appropriate course of action. For example, patients with a significant amount of loose, hanging skin after weight loss may be better suited to skin removal surgery vs. laser skin tightening. During your initial consultation for laser skin tightening in Denver, CO, Dr. Navarkal will carefully evaluate your areas of concern, explain all of your available options at length, and recommend the safest, most appropriate, and most effective skin tightening treatment possible for you.

Is laser skin tightening permanent?

While laser skin tightening can certainly slow the progression of lines and wrinkles, it cannot stop the aging process altogether. With routine maintenance treatments, however, the effects of laser skin tightening can be enjoyed for years to come.

Is saggy skin bringing you down with it? Consider laser skin tightening in Denver, CO

With the wide array of facial and skin rejuvenation technologies available today, you no longer have to live with unwanted lines, wrinkles, or crepiness. To learn more about the remarkable enhancements that can be made with nonsurgical laser skin tightening, call Mountain Med Spa to schedule your one-on-one consultation with top Denver, CO board-certified physician Dr. Rock Navarkal today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.