Microdermabrasion in Denver, CO

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What Is Microdermabrasion?

If you touch your face, does your skin feel soft and smooth, or like sandpaper? If rough, the outer skin layer could have a buildup of dead and damaged skin cells, which makes your complexion look uneven and dull. At Mountain Med Spa in Denver, CO, Dr. Rock Navarkal performs cosmetic services, like microdermabrasion. Quick and effective, microdermabrasion treatments remove the upper layer of damaged skin so your skin is healthier and brighter. For more dramatic results, we can also combine microdermabrasion with another procedure, such as a dermal filler or chemical peel. At your initial consultation, Dr. Navarkal will create a unique treatment plan that addresses your concerns and goals.

What Are the Benefits of Microdermabrasion?

At Mountain Med Spa, many Denver, CO patients obtain a variety of advantages with their microdermabrasion treatments, normally returning to our office for more. Some of the benefits this facial procedure yields are:

  • Balances and evens out the skin tone
  • Smoothes out coarse or uneven skin feel
  • Removes damaged and dead skin cell buildup on the outer layer of skin
  • Promotes a radiant, glowing complexion

Am I a Candidate for Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion treatments can improve the appearance of blemishes, including uneven texture, dull skin tone, fine lines, scars, sun damage, and clogged pores. For patients who want clearer and healthier skin, this treatment is effective for all skin types and tones. Typically, microdermabrasion is used on the face, but it can also work well for your chest, neck, and hands. Unfortunately, we do not recommend this procedure for patients who have an open wound or chronic skin conditions, such as rosacea or acne.

What Happens During Microdermabrasion Treatment?

During your consultation, we will listen to your goals and determine what treatment options work best for you. If microdermabrasion is best for you, we will take you back to one of our spacious procedure rooms. We will start by cleaning your skin and then gently gliding the specialized handpiece over the treatment area. This will deeply exfoliate the top layer of your complexion and remove any damaged skin cells.

What to Expect After Microdermabrasion Treatment

After we finish your microdermabrasion, a moisturizer with SPF is applied to the skin. Because your skin will be sensitive, we recommend always wearing sunscreen or another type of sun protection. The treated areas should feel smoother, and the tone will look brighter and more even. To extend your results, Dr. Navarkal recommends scheduling follow-up procedures every 4 – 6 weeks. Many patients notice that after microdermabrasion, their skin care products absorb more easily.

Microdermabrasion FAQ

How much does microdermabrasion cost?
Your cost for a microdermabrasion treatment can be discussed during your consultation with a skin care professional. After you discuss your goals and they examine your skin, your personal microdermabrasion treatment plan will be made, which includes estimated costs. Mountain Med Spa has specials on treatments like microdermabrasion and discounts if you buy a package with several sessions.

Should I get microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, or a chemical peel?
Depending on your complexion and goals, a skin care professional will help you decide if microdermabrasion, a chemical peel, or dermabrasion is the right treatment for you. In general, microdermabrasion clears away the surface layer of damaged and dead skin cells — so your complexion is smooth and healthier. A light chemical peel produces similar results to microdermabrasion. A stronger chemical peel or dermabrasion can help if your concerns are below the surface skin layers. The amount of time you want to spend in recovery may also help you decide which treatment you want because microdermabrasion requires minimal downtime.

How often should I get microdermabrasion treatments?
To start, you should get anywhere from 5 – 12 microdermabrasion sessions scheduled about 2 – 4 weeks apart to see the best results. After that, you should schedule treatments every 4 – 8 weeks to maintain the health of your skin. In your consultation, your technician can make a treatment plan with recommendations specific to your skin's needs that detail how often you need to schedule your next appointment.

How should I care for my skin after a microdermabrasion treatment?
After your microdermabrasion treatment, you are encouraged to limit strenuous activity for at least 24 hours to give your skin time to rest and heal. You should avoid UV rays ( tanning beds and natural sunlight ) and protect your complexion with sunscreen. To limit swelling and redness after the microdermabrasion, we may recommend a moisturizer or cold compresses.

Can I combine microdermabrasion with other treatments?
You may consider coming microdermabrasion with another procedure since it is a surface skin treatment. Many patients combine microdermabrasion along with an injectable (BOTOX® or JUVÉDERM®) or as part of a facial. You should be honest about your aesthetic issues during your initial consultation — so your technician is able to create a plan that fits all your cosmetic goals.

Smoother Surfaces Ahead

At Mountain Med Spa, discover your healthiest, brightest skin with noninvasive microdermabrasion skin resurfacing treatments. Schedule a skin consultation with Dr. Navarkal to learn more about the benefits of microdermabrasion and other skin rejuvenating services at our Denver, CO office. During your consultation, we will help you feel knowledgeable about your treatment choices and discuss the costs after we develop your treatment plan. Our goal is to help you look and feel your best. With microdermabrasion, we can enhance the natural beauty of your skin, and it works well on all skin types and tones.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.