Laser-Assisted Liposuction and Fat Transfer in Denver, CO

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About Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer

Laser liposuction and fat transfer is an innovative fat moving technique that doesn’t require lengthy recovery time, like most liposuction or fat transfer treatments. If you have tried to tone your body but nothing seems to work, this excellent treatment offers natural-looking results and can help shape the figure. At Mountain Med Spa, we use BeautiFill® by Alma laser liposuction technology to remove stubborn fat from the stomach, love handles, or thighs and transfer it to another part that requires more volume. If you experience unwanted fat on your body and you want more supple lips, fuller breasts, or a more shapely behind, please call our office to learn more about laser liposuction and fat transfer. Our team can help determine if this procedure is right for you.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer?

If you’re interested in a liposuction solution but have apprehension about traditional lipo surgery or want to move fat to areas that lack volume in a minimally invasive way, laser liposuction and fat transfer with BeautiFill at Mountain Med Spa is a fantastic choice. Benefits of this procedure performed at our Denver, CO facility include:

  • A significantly less invasive procedure than traditional liposuction
  • Potential enhancement of multiple body areas
  • A safe procedure with minimal risks
  • Natural-looking, long-lasting results
  • Reduced downtime compared to traditional surgery
  • Tightening the nearby skin
  • Removing fat that may be resistant to diet and exercise

Is Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer right for me?

Laser liposuction is a body contouring treatment that eliminates unwanted fat from the abdomen, glutes, love handles, or thighs to create a tighter figure. It can address multiple areas of concern and help you attain your desired shape. While slimming your figure and providing a natural look, it also helps increase the volume in the lips and adds contour to the breast and buttocks. If you maintain a healthy weight, but you still have stubborn fat that doesn’t go away with proper diet and exercise, laser liposuction and fat transfer can help. Patients considering this treatment should also have reasonably tight skin because it cannot treat sagging skin.

your Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer Session

During your consultation, we will provide detailed information about the procedure and set realistic expectations. Then, after finalizing your treatment plan, we will take you to a private treatment room. We will start by cleaning the treatment areas and administering anesthesia. During your procedure, we carefully remove fat from your tummy or thighs. After extracting the fat, one of our team members will purify and inject it into the desired area, such as the butt or breasts. The procedure adds contour and shape to the desired body part while tightening the figure.

What Should I Expect Following the BeautiFill Procedure?

Thanks to medical advancements in laser technology and the medical spa industry, your recovery time should be significantly shorter than traditional liposuction surgery. Following your treatment, you may have some mild side effects, including bruising and swelling. These symptoms are to be expected and should dissipate after about two weeks. Patients usually notice results after about 4 – 6 weeks, but in some cases, it may take a few months before seeing the final results of your newly contoured body. Additionally, our team will provide information about aftercare instructions. If you have any questions or concerns about the recovery process, feel free to mention them at your consultation or when first contacting our skilled team.

Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer FAQ

What's the difference between BeautiFill and other energy-assisted liposuction procedures?

The primary difference between BeautiFill and other fat transfer methods is the fat cell gathering process. The cutting-edge technology can extract a sample of high-quality fat tissue and prepare it to be implanted into the targeted regions. When compared to different procedures, BeautiFill can produce a high amount of live fat cells and is known for its low-risk, beautiful outcomes.

Am I going to feel pain during my procedure?

Because BeautiFill is performed under localized anesthesia, most individuals experience minimal pain during their treatment. You may have a little discomfort, bruising, and redness after your treatment since the BeautiFill solution is minimally invasive.

Will I need to take time off work or my regular activities?

That is up to you. You may sustain slight post-procedure swelling or bruising, which may last a few days to a week, according to the size and number of the treated areas. Although these fleeting effects certainly won't prevent you from getting back to your day-to-day routine within 24 hours should you desire.

What is the cost of laser liposuction and fat transfer?

While the exact price can vary from one patient to another depending on a variety of factors, these are general estimates of how much patients can expect to pay at Mountain Med Spa:

  • Face - $7,000
  • Face and Hands - $7,500
  • Breasts - $9,000
  • BBL - $10,000

What is the recovery like after laser liposuction and fat transfer?

Recovery time can vary, but patients can typically return to light activities within a few days and more strenuous activities within a few weeks. Swelling and bruising are common but should subside over time. Dr. Navarkal will provide specific post-operative instructions.

Are there risks associated with laser liposuction and fat transfer?

Laser liposuction and fat transfer treatments carry certain risks like any medical procedure. You should discuss these potential risks with Dr. Navarkal. By addressing these concerns, you can make informed decisions about your treatment plan, assess the benefits and potential drawbacks, and ensure that the chosen procedure aligns with your specific goals and overall health.

Look Fit and Toned

Laser liposuction and fat transfer at Mountain Med Spa can help patients move stubborn pockets of fat to more desirable areas, like the lips, breasts, or buttocks. If you have tried to attain a more contoured figure with exercise and diet but nothing seems to work, BeautiFill laser liposuction and fat transfer can help you attain a slim body and improve the appearance of your lips, buttocks, or breasts. Please schedule a consultation with our friendly team to learn more.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.