Get Rid of Age Spots with Laser Treatments

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Age spots, those small, dark areas on the skin, can be a source of self-consciousness, especially when they appear on your face. While these spots are common as we age, their presence doesn't have to be long-term. Thankfully, advancements in cosmetic treatments have paved the way for practical solutions. At Mountain Med Spa in Denver, CO, age spots meet their match with cutting-edge laser treatments spearheaded by Dr. Rock Navarkal, physician and founder of Mountain Med Spa. Dr. Navarkal and his team are committed to providing customized treatment plans that align with your needs and cosmetic goals, especially when it comes to age spot laser removal.

What are age spots?

Age spots, also known as liver spots or sun spots, are flat, brown, gray, or black spots that appear on the skin. They vary in size and typically occur in areas exposed to the sun, like the face, hands, shoulders, and arms. Age spots are a common sign of aging and are most prevalent in individuals over 50, though they can appear in younger people who spend a lot of time in the sun.

What causes age spots?

The primary culprit behind age spots is prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or tanning beds. Over time, UV light accelerates the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. When melanin becomes clumped or is produced in high concentrations, it forms these visible spots.

Laser vascular and pigmented lesion treatment

Mountain Med Spa offers a sophisticated solution for age spot laser removal: the Alma Harmony XL PRO. This state-of-the-art device is specifically designed for laser vascular and pigmented lesion treatment. The Harmony XL PRO targets pigmented lesions with intense light pulses, which are absorbed by the pigments in the spots. This absorption process breaks down the melanin clusters, allowing your body to dispose of them naturally. Over time, this treatment fades the age spots, leading to clearer, more uniform skin.

Is this the best laser treatment for age spots?

The Harmony XL PRO is among the best laser treatments for age spots, thanks to its precision, effectiveness, and safety. The laser's ability to target specific areas without damaging the surrounding skin makes it ideal for those seeking a noninvasive solution. Additionally, the treatment is relatively quick and involves minimal discomfort, making it a popular choice for patients at Mountain Med Spa.

A safe, easy, and effective solution

The laser pigmented lesion treatment with the Harmony XL PRO offers a safe, easy, and effective solution for age spots. Besides its efficacy in treating pigmented lesions, the device also excels in laser vascular treatment, which can diminish the appearance of spider veins. This dual functionality underscores the device's versatility in addressing various cosmetic concerns.

Get treatment for age spots at Mountain Med Spa

At Mountain Med Spa, under the expertise of Dr. Rock Navarkal, who specializes in cosmetic treatments for the skin, body, and overall wellness, each patient receives a thorough examination. Dr. Navarkal and his team design a custom treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, ensuring the best possible results. If you're seeking a renewed, younger-looking appearance, virtually free from age spots and other signs of aging, look no further than Mountain Med Spa. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We aim to help you achieve the clearer, more youthful complexion you seek.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.