Improve Your Skin Texture With Laser Cellulite Removal

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Countless people – of virtually all ages, sizes, and ethnicities – struggle with cellulite. Most often, cellulite affects women and is particularly noticeable on the buttocks and thighs, making it uncomfortable or even embarrassing to wear certain styles of clothing. Because cellulite can be extremely stubborn and often does not improve with diet and exercise alone, many people turn to professional cellulite treatments. At Mountain Med Spa in Denver, CO, board-certified physician Dr. Rock Navarkal understands the frustration that cellulite can cause and is proud to help patients get the smoother, firmer, sexier skin they desire with laser cellulite removal. Keep reading to learn more about how this groundbreaking treatment can reduce the appearance of cellulite and leave you looking and feeling more confident than ever.

What’s the best way to get rid of cellulite?

There are hundreds (if not thousands) of products and treatments on the market today that claim to smooth out the classic dimples and ripples of cellulite. Unfortunately, the majority of these options – particularly topical products and at-home systems – are ineffective. Even some professional treatments and procedures have their downsides, including being expensive and invasive. For patients seeking an effective, convenient, and nonsurgical treatment for cellulite, laser cellulite removal with the Harmony XL PRO laser may be a fitting solution.

How does laser cellulite removal work?

During a laser cellulite treatment at Mountain Med Spa, the patient will relax in one of our comfortable procedure rooms. The patient’s skin will be numbed using a topical anesthetic to minimize any potential discomfort felt during treatment. The Harmony XL PRO laser handpiece will then be passed evenly over the skin to ensure a complete treatment. The laser energy emitted from the device heats the skin to a precise temperature, encouraging the production of new, healthy collagen cells. Over time, this helps to smooth and tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Where can laser cellulite removal be performed?

Most often, patients choose laser cellulite treatments to achieve smoother skin texture in one or more of the following areas:

  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen

How many laser cellulite removal treatments do you need?

On average, patients can expect to undergo 3 – 5 laser cellulite treatment sessions to achieve their desired outcome, though this can vary based on the severity of the patient’s cellulite, their response to treatment, and other factors. During your initial consultation for laser cellulite removal in Denver, CO, Dr. Navarkal will thoroughly evaluate your areas of concern and help determine the most appropriate treatment schedule.

How long does it take to see results after laser cellulite treatment?

Patients considering laser cellulite reduction should keep in mind that the treatment works by stimulating the production of new collagen fibers. This process can take several weeks or months and will continue to improve over the course of treatment, meaning the final outcome of laser cellulite removal may not be apparent for up to 3 – 6 months. With a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle, patients can enjoy their smoother new look for up to two years before a maintenance treatment may be needed.

Show off your legs proudly with laser cellulite treatment in Denver, CO

Are you self-conscious about dimpled buttocks and thighs? If you are tired of hiding your cellulite and are searching for a convenient and effective solution, we can help. To learn more about the remarkable results that may be possible for you with laser cellulite removal in Denver, CO, call Mountain Med Spa to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified physician and aesthetic expert Dr. Rock Navarkal today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.